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berni (74)

Sunday, 1st October 2023, all-day

Siegbert Koitzsch (61)

Sunday, 1st October 2023, all-day

Antonetta3 (40)

Monday, 2nd October 2023, all-day

Ronny Werner (46)

Monday, 2nd October 2023, all-day

katzenfreundin (49)

Tuesday, 3rd October 2023, all-day

KeeshaLuna (43)

Tuesday, 3rd October 2023, all-day

Lothar1973 (50)

Wednesday, 4th October 2023, all-day

Wolf58 (65)

Sunday, 8th October 2023, all-day

michaels (49)

Tuesday, 10th October 2023, all-day


Friday, 13th October 2023, all-day

Biggi53 (70)

Sunday, 15th October 2023, all-day

ARMS (56)

Tuesday, 17th October 2023, all-day

Heidi Gruner (52)

Saturday, 21st October 2023, all-day

DJS (54)

Sunday, 22nd October 2023, all-day

Sibenrob (66)

Tuesday, 24th October 2023, all-day

HuldaWhick (44)

Wednesday, 25th October 2023, all-day

DrHS (64)

Tuesday, 7th November 2023, all-day

Klaus (73)

Wednesday, 8th November 2023, all-day

Sylvia Hoedt (67)

Friday, 10th November 2023, all-day

prinz (70)

Sunday, 12th November 2023, all-day

In time period



Calendar overview

Birthdays, Community, Konzerte, Sonstiges, TV/Radio